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In Zambia, innovative solutions for farmers during drought include a variety of climate-smart agricultural practices and technologies. Here are some key points and recommendations:

Solar-Powered Irrigation:

Saro Agro Industrial Ltd has introduced a Solar Powered Centre Pivot system designed for efficient irrigation over a 7-day cycle, covering up to 2.5 hectares of land.

This system is particularly beneficial for crops like Tobacco, Potatoes, Maize, Wheat, and Vegetables.

Funding for Solar Power Irrigation:

Organizations like Atmosfair support solar-powered drip irrigation systems for smallholder farmers, enabling them to grow food commercially and reducing dependence on rainfall.

The MIT Solve initiative has a solution called “Financing Solar Irrigation Pumps- Zambia,” which aims to finance solar pumps to promote horticulture farming and build resilience to climate change.

The Green Climate Fund (GCF) has approved funding for renewable energy projects, primarily solar, in Zambia.

Other Recommendations:

Adoption of drought-tolerant crops and efficient water management practices.

Utilizing climate advisory services to inform farmers about weather patterns and best practices.

Encouraging the use of conservation farming techniques such as crop rotation, intercropping, and ripping.

Advocacy and Support:

The Centre for Environment Justice (CEJ) in Zambia plays a crucial role in advocating for environmental sustainability and supporting vulnerable communities.

CEJ promotes access to information on environmental protection, sustainable energy, climate change, and agriculture.

We also engage in lobbying and advocacy, research, campaigns, and policy dialogues to enhance accountability and sustainable development.

CEJ can scale up advocacy once funded in this drought response.

Farmers, policymakers, and the donor community can collaborate to implement these solutions and secure funding for both the technologies and the advocacy efforts needed to promote sustainable farming practices in the face of climate challenges.

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